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MetaTrader 4 Main Menu – Charts button

MetaTrader 4 Main Menu – Charts Button

This lesson will cover the following

  • Positioning
  • Contents

Commands, which manage the chart and technical indicators, imposed in it, can be found in the “Charts” menu. The following commands are to be chosen from in this menu:

Indicators List – opens a window, managing indicators imposed in the active chart. The full list of indicators, including Custom Indicators is presented in the window appeared. After selecting an indicator, one is able to change its settings or remove it from the chart. The same action can be performed by executing the chart context menu command of the same name or by using the key combination of Ctrl+I.

Objects – opens a sub-menu window, which manages imposed objects. The following commands can be found here:

1. Objects List – opens a window, that manages the imposed objects. The latter include line studies, signs, shapes, and texts. Any selected object can be modified by using the “Edit” button or deleted by using the button of the same name in this window. The “Show” command moves the active chart to the imposed object location.

2. Delete Last – deletes the last imposed object from the chart. The same action can be performed by using the Backspace button on the keyboard.

3. Delete All Selected – deletes all selected objects from the chart. The same action can be performed by using the Delete button on the keyboard.

4. Delete All Arrows – deletes all objects from the chart.

5. Unselect All – deselects all the objects, that were imposed on the chart.

6. Undo Delete – places the deleted object back on the chart. The same action can be performed by using the key combination of Ctrl+Z.

Bar Chart – displays the chart as a string of bars. This command can also be executed by pressing the Screenshot from 2014-08-05 12:02:04 button from the “Charts” toolbar or by using the key combination of Alt+1.

Candlesticks – displays the chart as a string of candles. This command can also be executed by pressing the Screenshot from 2014-08-05 12:03:41 button from the “Charts” toolbar or by using the key combination of Alt+2.

Line Chart – displays the chart as a broken line, that connects closing prices of bars. This command can also be executed by pressing the Screenshot from 2014-08-05 12:05:05button from the “Charts” toolbar or by using the key combination of Alt+3.

Foreground Chart – places the chart in the “foreground”. If this function is enabled, all analytic objects (technical indicators and graphical objects) will be positioned “behind the chart” and not over it.

Periodicity – sets the time frame of the chart. After the execution of this command, a sub-menu will be called, where the time frame of the active chart can be selected.

Template – opens the template managing sub-menu. From this sub-menu one can place any template on the active chart. A new template can be stored based on the active chart, or an existing one can be deleted. Further details about working with templates can be found in the “Profiles and Templates” section. The sub-menu, that manages templates can also be opened by pressing the Screenshot from 2014-08-05 12:11:03 button from the “Charts” toolbar or by using the chart context menu command of the same name. The template set by default cannot be deleted.

Refresh – renews history data. Upon execution of this command all missing data within the existing history will be downloaded. The same action can be performed by using the chart context menu command of the same name. History outside the range of the existing data will not be added.

Grid – shows/hides grid in the chart window. The same actions can be performed by using the chart context menu command of the same name or by using the key combination of Ctrl+G.

Volumes – shows/hides tick volumes in the chart. The same actions can be performed by using the chart context menu command of the same name or by using the key combination of Ctrl+L.

Auto Scroll – enables/disables automatic shifting of the chart to the left, after a new bar has begun to appear. If this option is enabled, the last bar will always be presented on the chart. This command can also be executed by pressing the Screenshot from 2014-08-05 12:24:10 button from the “Charts” toolbar.

Chart Shift – shifts the chart from the left window border to the shift label of the chart. The shift label of the chart (a grey triangle in the upper part of the window) can be moved with the mouse horizontally within 10% to 50% of the window size. This command can also be executed by pressing the Screenshot from 2014-08-05 12:29:26 button from the “Charts” toolbar.

Zoom In – zooms in the chart. The same action can be performed by pressing the “+” key of the keyboard or the Screenshot from 2014-08-05 12:35:41 button from the “Charts” toolbar. Moving the cursor to the right, with the left mouse button being pressed on the horizontal scale, will also do the same.

Zoom Out – zooms out the chart. The same action can be performed by pressing the “-” key of the keyboard or the Screenshot from 2014-08-05 12:36:53 button from the “Charts” toolbar. Moving the cursor to the left, with the left mouse button being pressed on the horizontal scale, will also do the same.

Step by Step – shifts the chart by one bar to the left. The same action can be performed by pressing F12 of the keyboard.

Properties… – sets up the parameters for the chart. Upon execution of this command the chart setup window will be called. These same actions can be performed by using the chart context menu command of the same name or by pressing F8 of the keyboard.