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Maserati sacrifices exclusivity to compete with BMW, Mercedes, Audi

July 5, 2013 9:39 am
Maserati the exclusive luxury sport car manufacturer is shifting focus towards a lower-end market. This fall the Fiats owned company is going to introduce its Maserati Ghibli – mid-sized sedan priced around $65 000. The Italian subsidiary doesnt hide hopes of stealing market share from established brands such as BMW, Mercedes and Audi. Maserati combines […] Read more

European stocks recovered before US jobs data

July 5, 2013 7:56 am
European stocks were almost unchanged yesterday as the Stoxx 600 index would probably continue its biggest weekly advance in two months. Future contracts indicate a strong session of positive numbers. Investors wait on data on the American labor market which would be a strong indicator of whether economy is on a strong pattern. For the […] Read more

Samsung Q2 profits missed forecasts

July 5, 2013 7:03 am
Samsung Electronics missed already adjusted forecasts for earnings in the second quarter on growing concerns that the company may have reached its peak and will struggle to meet bullish expectations. The flagship Galaxy S smartphone is loosing market share as several competitors appeared, after it pushed Samsung to market leadership beating iPhone 5 year hegemony. […] Read more

Temasek warns Federal Bank on stimulus easing consequences

July 4, 2013 2:30 pm
Temasek, the Singapore-based investment firm owned by countrys government, warned that the unwinding of the US Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing will trigger “a lot of disruption and volatility”. The firm stated concerns of slowing growth: “On the whole, we think the nearer-term outlook is slower growth,” said Chia Song Hwee, head of Temasek’s investment group. […] Read more

European stocks jumped erasing two day drop

July 4, 2013 12:33 pm
European stock advanced offsetting previous two day retreat as investors are following the European Central Bank report decision about financial stimulus program. Adding to that Portugal politicians managed to keep government together after resignation of two of the ministers of coalition. We’ve seen slightly more positive tones out of Portugal in the last hours which […] Read more

Yahoo shopping spree added Xobni, Qwiki and Bignoggins Productions

July 4, 2013 11:33 am
Yahoo! Inc. continues its spending spree as recently purchased Xobni Corp. a company which develops contact-management software. The purchase is said to be worth $70 million by people with knowledge on the mater as the internet giant is relying on acquisitions to spur growth. Xobni’s software for finding and storing phone numbers and addresses will […] Read more

Zynga hires new CEO Don Mattrick worth $50 million

July 4, 2013 8:52 am
Don Mattrick is the new CEO of the online social game company Zynga. The ex-head of Microsoft XBOX division will replace founder Marc Pincus next week and will get a substantial compensation of $50 million in coming years according to companys statement. In his first year, the newly appointed CEO would receive a total of […] Read more

Twitter follows Facebook, Google with re-targeting ads

July 4, 2013 8:00 am
Twitter, the second largest social network site plans to allow advertisers to use databases of users in order to send them promotions only to people who have already shown interest. Those ad techniques has been adopted by Google and Facebook already. If proved successful the advertising stunt would increase Twitter advertising rates without having to […] Read more

European stocks declined, US stocks jump before national holiday

July 4, 2013 6:42 am
US stocks recorded gains yesterday in a shortened session before countrys national holiday. Investors analyzed better-than-expected jobs data news mixed with political shakes in Portugal ahead of a key jobs report Friday. The Dow Jones Industrial Average gained 56.14 points, which is 0.4%, to 14988.55 in a shortened session that closed at 1 p.m. EDT […] Read more

US stock futures slightly low after mixed economic data

July 3, 2013 1:08 pm
US stock futures slightly declined today and remained unchanged after mixed economic data. Reports on employment change, trade balance and initial job claims were issued today. Employment for month of June has gained more than predictions while trade balance raised its deficit. Initial job claims beat predictions adding 5000 less claims for the last week […] Read more